#31 – It’s Just Not Fair!


You may think that I’m writing this after some sort of toddler fit.  Nope.  Old Mom is having her own toddler moment and I just need to vent, because our family sleep situation is just not fair.

I was a great sleeper.  Every night I went to bed when my parents told me to.  I went right to sleep unless my sister was feeling a little chatty.  But even on those days, I fell asleep to her chatter.  I happily took a nap every day until I went to school.  And even after I went to school, I took naps on the weekend.  I wasn’t just a great sleeper – I was the sleeper that every parent dreams of.

Fast forward forty years.

My kids are not good sleepers.  Sweet Boy had a lot of medical issues that made it difficult for him to sleep as a baby.   As a toddler, his asthma medications kept him wired way beyond when he should have been going to bed.  Now as we are preparing him for kindergarten, the boy spends hours after his “bedtime” building with his different styles of blocks and reading his hidden pictures magazines.  There are many nights that I fall asleep before he does.

Now girlie was a much better infant sleeper- except for that 16 teeth in 8 months period.  But the toddler years have not been so successful.  She likes to explore at bedtime.  She will go into her brother’s room to play with his toys. Or sometimes she’ll go into my room and re-sort the laundry.  My favorite though is when she goes into the bathroom to try every toothbrush.  Really what she’s doing is killing time until her brother’s bedtime so she can play with him for a little longer.

Nap time is a joke in the old mom house.  They will not sleep if they are on the same floor.  One child needs to sleep on the couch downstairs or they will just play the whole time.  And they try to be sneaky about it.  One kid tiptoes into the other kid’s room and they gently close the door.  Then they remind each other to whisper so they don’t wake mommy and get in trouble  Seriously?!?!?!?!  They slam doors and scream like banshees all day but they actually remind each other to whisper so they can play at nap time.


So now what?

Believe me, I know that each kid is going to have a different sleep schedule, but my kids are so obviously tired that they need more sleep.  They don’t want to get up after a late night.  They whine and tantrum when they don’t nap well.   I don’t have any answers for getting them to sleep better because I really don’t understand it.  I love to sleep.  When I’m tired, I sleep (well now with these two I sleep or have a coffee).  I’m trying to get their schedule more consistent.  We have a bedtime routine with stories and songs, hugs and kisses.  I’ve read the articles.  I’m trying all the best practices.  But I just can’t relate.

All I can do is remind myself (again) that this is a phase that will pass.  Also, I need to remember that there is a positive side to all of this.  They are playing together.  They really are great playmates.  I’m a little nervous about them plotting together in their teenage years, but for now, it’s all good stuff as long as daddy can stay up with them at night.  Because old mom is going to sleep.


#26- Things My Kids Say- Funny Fall Quotes

kid quotes

There are so many times when I have to bite my tongue to not laugh at my kids.  Girlie is such a little parrot and Sweet Boy has such a sense of comic timing.  They crack me up all the time – even when it’s not appropriate.  Here are a few of my favorite funny quotes from the last few months.

  1. Sweet Boy:  “Great Gram is my honey.”  My grandmother is 97.  Having a 4-year-old boy call her his honey just makes her day every time we go for a visit.
  2. Girlie:  Carrying the frozen waffles in the grocery store.  “I need to put these in the carriage.  My back hurts.”  Usually, it’s me putting her down because my back hurts.  Seriously, I have a collective 85 pounds of kids.
  3. Girlie:  “Can I exercise with you tonight?  Can I giddy-up too?”  I’ve been doing the Country Heat videos on Beachbody On Demand.  She likes to join in.
  4. Sweet Boy:  “Daddy, look!  It’s a party bus.”  This was my fault.  He saw a shuttle bus one day and asked me what kind of vehicle it was.  I couldn’t think of the right name, so I told him it was a bus for taking people around for parties.  Boy, did that shock my husband to hear that.
  5. Girlie: “I’m so sad Mr. Pumpkin had to go back to his home.”  When our jack-o-lantern rotted out, I threw it in the compost pile after the kids went to bed.  They realized it the next morning, so I told her that Mr. Pumpkin went back to his home to help new pumpkins grow next year. She still tells me how sad she is once a week.
  6. Sweet Boy: “That was awful!!! Don’t ever do that again.”  This is what he told the nurse on flu shot day.  I don’t know many 4-year-old boys that use the word awful.  He just sounds like a little old man.
  7. Girlie: “Can we open our el-phant calendar?”  We’re on day 10 and she hasn’t quite sounded out Advent yet.
  8. Sweet Boy:  I started the Country Heat program after finishing the You V2 program.  My husband did not like the leader in the first program, so when I started the second, I told him that the music wouldn’t be as good, but there would be more eye candy.  Sweet Boy responded, “I want candy!”
  9. Girlie:  “Can we go see our Halloween neighbors?”  Our neighbors are lovely people, but we don’t see them much because of my work and commute schedule.  But we saw them all on Halloween, and she got lots of candy and doting compliments about her costume.  So now she calls them our Halloween neighbors.
  10. Sweet Boy:  “Mommy, you told me 1000 times yesterday to be nice to my sister.  Today you won’t have to tell me at all.”  I’m glad he remembered my frustrated exaggeration that day.

They make me laugh every day (almost).  I can hear my teacher voice and my 40-something phrases that aren’t really used much today all reflected in their humor.  But most of all, I love that they can be funny without being crude.  Don’t get me wrong, we have days where they want to laugh about poop, hug my butt (not too weird) or say the word sock 3000 times (I don’t get that one).  But they still have that naive innocence that I don’t always see with the children I teach.  And I wouldn’t want it any other way.


#18- Some days are all about the potty


A few different days this summer I brought my kids with me to get my classroom ready.  It was easier to make a few short trips rather than make a day of it because of their limited attention spans.  One memorable visit was the usual 90 minutes, but I think we spent more than half that time using the potty.

I sat them down with a movie and some lunch as I tackled a new bulletin board.  After their first course, the bathroom parade began.  First Sweet Boy decided he had to pee.  When we were there, Girlie decided she wanted to try to go tinkles too.  She spent about 10 minutes trying to poop too, but was really uncomfortable without a potty seat.  We washed up and headed back to my classroom.

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A crappy situation

The kids returned to their lunch and then I noticed Girlie hiding behind the piano.  I knew what was coming.  A few moments later, I could smell that Girlie had gotten much more comfortable with her pull-up on.  I cleaned her up, ran to the bathroom to drop off the offensive diaper and went back to my bulletin board.

Literally two minutes later Sweet Boy was running down the hall.  I asked him where he was going and he yelled for all to hear, “I have to poop, Mommy.”

He went straight into the ladies room because, “I need you, Mommy.”

I scooped up his sister and followed him in.  For 15 minutes we talked about the door locks, how people usually want privacy in the bathroom, the sanitary napkin box, the handicapped stall, and a bit about world peace.  He finished up. We went back to my room.   I put up the last few pieces in my classroom and we left.

I know when they are older, there will be many things I will miss about this age.  I don’t think life revolving around the bathroom will be one of those things.

Photo by thejbird

Find a Daycare You Love – How We Got a Good One and the Mistakes We Made


My first year back to work was really difficult.  Sweet Boy had his health issues, but I was also very suspect of the care he was getting.  Being a teacher, I was all for the large daycare model to prepare my child for his school years.  But the large center was not for us.

Problem #1- Don’t ignore your gut, or in our case, your husband’s gut.

When I went to visit the local daycares, I fell in love with the two infant teachers at the largest center.  They were warm, caring women who were also very knowledgeable about infants.  My husband did not like the overall vibe he got from the center, but I loved those women and we signed the papers.

Problem #2- If the staff is hinting that a place is a germ factory, it probably is.

Over the six months, they took care of Sweet Boy, they were so good about giving me a gentle push when I needed it, whether it was about feeding, teething, or even getting Sweet Boy to a specialist.  More than anything, I appreciated their candor about the number of families sending sick children to the center.  They knew he got every virus and he got it worse than most.  Really, they knew he was in the wrong place.   I loved those women and still keep in touch with them today on Facebook.

Problem #3- If it’s important to you and not to your child care providers, run!

When Sweet Boy was one, he moved up to the toddler room.  I was less happy during his four months with those ladies.  Every time I came in, the lead teacher was distracted.  Most mornings she had her head in a magazine.  Sometimes it was work related, but it was more shopping magazines.  She rarely greeted me or my child, and that REALLY bothered me.  How would my boy learn basic manners from someone who didn’t have them herself?

The toddler room was also a lot more open with the rest of the daycare, and we found ourselves making a lot of trips to the pediatrician for issues that were not necessarily related to Sweet Boy’s health issues.  Pink eye, stomach bugs, rashes.  I know its typical kid stuff, but getting pink eye once a month is not really typical.  Plus with all of the colds going around the center, his asthma and ear infections were pushed to the max.  He started needing shots of antibiotics because the oral ones weren’t strong enough anymore.

Problem #4- If they are only telling you about his negative behaviors, and never have anything nice to say about your kid, they probably don’t like kids.

As the months went on, Sweet Boy had some issues with one of his peers.  He would grab toys from her, and she would in return bite him–every day.  As tragic as it may seem to a new mom, the teacher in me had enough Ed. Psych background to know it was pretty normal toddler stuff.   Kiddos are pretty instinctual at that age with very few words to use.  I got plenty of reports of him being bitten and even more of him having trouble sharing.

So after seven bites in one week, I calmly asked if they had any strategies for keeping the two away from each other to prevent the issue.  I knew my child was a part of the problem, but that doesn’t mean I want him to get bit.  The lead teacher snapped at me saying it was all Sweet Boy’s fault because he was the bully in the situation.  I know Bully has been a buzz word for a few years now, but I really couldn’t believe she called a 15-month-old a bully.  I could tell from the other teacher’s faces that they all knew she had crossed a line.

We pulled Sweet Boy out at the end of the month and the directors got a very detailed letter describing the many reasons we were leaving.  They haven’t changed anything and that teacher is still there three years later, while all the teachers we liked are not.  So, I know now that the problem was more systemic than just a one-person problem.

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The new search

That whole summer I was nervously searching for a new daycare.  I remember Sweet Boy’s infant teachers gently pushing me to find a smaller placement for him.  And after a very difficult year in the center, my husband put his foot down.  We were going to find a home daycare this time.  A friend of mine mentioned to me that one of her former co-workers now had a home daycare and I should check her out.   My friend told me that this woman was very detail-oriented and thorough and she would absolutely trust her with her kids.

Step one- check.  Get a personal recommendation.

When I went for a visit, a few things struck me right away.  It was considered a large home daycare.  13 kids and three adults.  My fears about my kid getting into trouble when the teacher had to pee were not relevant here (and yes, I had those fears before I had Girlie).  I also loved that the director’s husband was one of the teachers and later worked as one of the subs.  Men and women are different with kids and I think it is important that kids know both.

They were also confident that they could meet the needs of his reflux diet.  They served healthy meals, and right on the spot, she had a few healthy switches she could easily make to keep him healthy.  After that first visit, I was confident that this was the place for my boy.

Step two- check.  Visit and see your personal values in action.

In his first year, Sweet Boy was encouraged to use his words, pushed to pursue his love of learning, showed how to work out problems, and never treated like a bully as he was still learning to share and take turns.  He had a few rough patches during the winter when his asthma meds affected his personality, but the staff was very sensitive to the side effects of his medications.  I never got a report that was all negative.  There was always a bright spot to his day, and I always heard about it.

Step 3- check.  Make sure they actually like kids, in all their stages.

They saved a spot for us when they learned I was expecting.  Girlie had an amazing first year with them.  They gave us suggestions for dealing with Girlie’s lactose sensitivity and snuggled her during those 7 miserable months where she got 16 teeth.

As both my kids go through the “terrible twos” and the “Why threes?” the teachers guide them to be good people.  They teach them about letters, numbers, colors, dinosaurs, planting, cooking, animals, and outer-space.  And all that is wonderful.  But teaching them to be good people is what is most important to me.  Studies show that self-regulation and social skills are crucial in being ready for kindergarten, and I am so glad that is what my kids are getting.

As a working mom, knowing my kids are at a daycare with amazing teachers who have the same values and priorities makes sending my kids there so much easier.  And having seen the other side of the spectrum, I am so grateful for our daycare family.

Photo by U.S. Embassy, Manila Philippines

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