#26- Things My Kids Say- Funny Fall Quotes

kid quotes

There are so many times when I have to bite my tongue to not laugh at my kids.  Girlie is such a little parrot and Sweet Boy has such a sense of comic timing.  They crack me up all the time – even when it’s not appropriate.  Here are a few of my favorite funny quotes from the last few months.

  1. Sweet Boy:  “Great Gram is my honey.”  My grandmother is 97.  Having a 4-year-old boy call her his honey just makes her day every time we go for a visit.
  2. Girlie:  Carrying the frozen waffles in the grocery store.  “I need to put these in the carriage.  My back hurts.”  Usually, it’s me putting her down because my back hurts.  Seriously, I have a collective 85 pounds of kids.
  3. Girlie:  “Can I exercise with you tonight?  Can I giddy-up too?”  I’ve been doing the Country Heat videos on Beachbody On Demand.  She likes to join in.
  4. Sweet Boy:  “Daddy, look!  It’s a party bus.”  This was my fault.  He saw a shuttle bus one day and asked me what kind of vehicle it was.  I couldn’t think of the right name, so I told him it was a bus for taking people around for parties.  Boy, did that shock my husband to hear that.
  5. Girlie: “I’m so sad Mr. Pumpkin had to go back to his home.”  When our jack-o-lantern rotted out, I threw it in the compost pile after the kids went to bed.  They realized it the next morning, so I told her that Mr. Pumpkin went back to his home to help new pumpkins grow next year. She still tells me how sad she is once a week.
  6. Sweet Boy: “That was awful!!! Don’t ever do that again.”  This is what he told the nurse on flu shot day.  I don’t know many 4-year-old boys that use the word awful.  He just sounds like a little old man.
  7. Girlie: “Can we open our el-phant calendar?”  We’re on day 10 and she hasn’t quite sounded out Advent yet.
  8. Sweet Boy:  I started the Country Heat program after finishing the You V2 program.  My husband did not like the leader in the first program, so when I started the second, I told him that the music wouldn’t be as good, but there would be more eye candy.  Sweet Boy responded, “I want candy!”
  9. Girlie:  “Can we go see our Halloween neighbors?”  Our neighbors are lovely people, but we don’t see them much because of my work and commute schedule.  But we saw them all on Halloween, and she got lots of candy and doting compliments about her costume.  So now she calls them our Halloween neighbors.
  10. Sweet Boy:  “Mommy, you told me 1000 times yesterday to be nice to my sister.  Today you won’t have to tell me at all.”  I’m glad he remembered my frustrated exaggeration that day.

They make me laugh every day (almost).  I can hear my teacher voice and my 40-something phrases that aren’t really used much today all reflected in their humor.  But most of all, I love that they can be funny without being crude.  Don’t get me wrong, we have days where they want to laugh about poop, hug my butt (not too weird) or say the word sock 3000 times (I don’t get that one).  But they still have that naive innocence that I don’t always see with the children I teach.  And I wouldn’t want it any other way.


#6 – My Favorite Summer Kid Quotes

kid quotes

Today is the last day of my summer vacation.  On Monday, I will be back to work teaching music every day, while my kids will be back to their lovely home daycare with their friends and their second family.  As a  tribute to this time with my kiddos, I thought I would share with all of you a few of my favorite kid quotes from this summer.  Things that really made me laugh.  My apologies if the language offends anyone.

Great Kid Quotes

  1. Sweet Boy:  “If I have to go to the doctor’s office, can I go to the one near Dave and Busters?”
  2. Girlie ( a huge Blue’s Clue’s fan): We just got an e-mail,  “We just an e-mail.  We just got an e-mail.  I wonder who it’s from.”  (Are you singing it too?)
  3. Sweet Boy: (during my new workout video): “Mommy, I don’t have to shake it do I?”
  4. Sweet Boy (I made meat sauce instead of sauce and meatballs): “Can you use some frosting to put the meat into meatballs?”
  5. Girlie at lunch (What I heard): “He has boobies.  I have an ass hole.” (What she actually said): “He has blueberries.  I have an apple.”
  6. Girlie: “Mommy, You went tinkles on the potty!  Good job! I’m so proud of you.”
  7. And my favorite quote of the summer from Sweet Boy: “Mommy, we’re hooking things.  That means we’re hookers.”

And there you have it.   If you ever feel overwhelmed with the challenges of being an old mom, a young mom, a step-mom, a fur mom or any kind other kind of mom, remember the little moments.  The laughter, the hugs, watching them grow up into good people– there’s nothing like it.


Photo by Cristiano Betta